Monday, July 11, 2011

The Cast

As I promised, I am going to start working on my novel. The whole basis of my story is my cousins, the people who mean the world to me. As with every extended family its well... complicated. You have your heroes, your villains and everyone in between. I will try to keep the relationship connections at bay, this is about the characters, not the way they relate. Yet...

The Family

Berenice is the glue of the family. She can be a little judgmental at times, but over all she has a good heart. She has helped out members of the family when others wouldn't. Berenice is a mother and a grandmother. She took care of her mother Ruth in her old age. She hosts the family reunion every year at her house. She also enjoys quilting.

Heather is kind of a sour puss. She has a bit of an attitude, and a snarky one at that. At first her comments and behavior may be off putting but she does care about others. She means well and is a kind person at heart. She has a daughter and a husband. She also enjoys knitting.

Bridget is very artistic. She has lots of talent with even more of a teenage attitude. She has her moments but she is still a good person. She can be a little odd at times but she fits right in with the rest of the family. She loves drawing on her tablet.

Miles is Heathers's husband. He has a kind heart but he works with Heathers's snarky attitude. He is and over all quiet person though. He enjoys riding his motorbike.

Erik is the family odd ball. He has a bit of a snarky attitude like Heather but the kindness of Grace. He truly cares about others and is a good listener. He loves bacon and enjoys playing around with things and making them better.

Howard is Berenice's husband. He is a quiet and brilliant man. He is a former high school shop teacher and enjoys building things, he built all the buildings at the lake house. He can be a bit abrasive especially when teasing. He enjoys building things and figuring it out how it works.

Grace is a kind hearted and sympathetic nurse. She truly cares about people and is an excellent listener. She had a rough split with her husband way back then. She re married and she is very much in love. She enjoys the arts.

Kevin is Grace's husband. He is a sweet quiet man who very much loves his wife. He has kids from a former marriage. He has some money but doesn't really flaunt it. He loves to read on his ereader.

Ida is sarcastic, but not the same as Heather. She has a great heart and really cares about others. She loves animals and kids. She is the furthest away from the rest of the family but enjoys getting together with all of the cousins. Her and Heather are the closest.

Stan is Idas husband. He works for the DNR. He loves to fish and is wonderful at it. Stan has lost some of his hearing and has to wear hearing aides. If he doesn't, well hilarity ensues.

Hannah isn't a teenage yet but she is on the cusp of it. She enjoys acting and wants to be an actress. She gets along well with Libby. She swims and plays cello.

Connor is a doctor. His nickname is spanks. Nobody in the family knows why. He enjoys his wine, but not in a bad way. He can be a bit cranky at times, but so can everyone else.

Evangeline is Connor's wife. She is a sweet quiet woman. She loves her adopted family and is a fixture at family events.

Dexter is Connor and Evangeline's oldest son. He enjoys his gameboy and playing with his little brother.

Adam is Connor and Evangeline's youngest son. He likes playing with legos and his brother.

Dorthea is a model and a graphic designer. She enjoys her modeling work and spending time with her daughter. She likes spending time with her husband.

Alan is Dorthea's husband. He is a bit of a computer nerd. He enjoys his computer games and his daughter.

Leda is Alan and Dorthea's daughter. She is a smart little girl.

Gabriel is a smart young man. He is a quiet person. He enjoys just relaxing and being a typical young adult. He has a dramatic past, especially when it comes to family.

Craig enjoys working on projects, but he has a major anger management problem. He is a nervous and worried person.

Sarah can be a bit of a ditz but she does mean well. She enjoys her life as a teacher. Reading and relaxing are her two main hobbies.

Martin is a nerd. There isn't much else about him. He enjoys his nerdy stuff too much and tends to ignore those around him with it.

Allison is a sweet girl. She enjoys reading and working on her theatre and art. She gets frustrated easily. She has a few caveats but she over all means well.

Clara is a bit of a hipster. She doesn't exeactly fit in with the family but they love her anyway. She has a degree in biology from Northwestern.

Damian is one of those people that is a constant disappointment. He is self centered and doesn't realize it. He is rude and nobody really likes him.

Phillip is a persona non grata in the family. He lives in town but he isn't welcome to hang out with the family. His wife controls his behavior and hes tried to make amends but with no luck.

Rosabella is young but hopes for her aren't high among the family. She hasn't had the easiest of lives and is self centered. Just like her dad. She doesn't know any better and it is easy to feel sorry for her because of it.


Emily is a loyal friend. She has her issues, especially with boys. She has a good heart but sometimes it gets obfuscated by her issues.

Isaac is a good person, but he has a mean streak. He is a good friend but you have to get him to open up to you first. He has one close friend and that is it.

Camilla can be a bit slow. But what she loses with that she makes up for with compassion.

Cain is a manipulative jackass.

So I tailed off at the end with the details... so sue me. I will come back and work on each of these people individually. That is all for now.

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