Saturday, August 13, 2011


Character Chart

Full name: Erik
Date of Birth/Age: November 1 1972, 39
Race/Ethnic Background/Nationality: Swedish and Finnish
Height: Around 6' 1"
Weight/Body Build: 190 lbs, kind of chunky.
Hair: Dirty Blonde.
Eyes: Brown.
Peculiar Physical Traits:
Glasses/Contacts: Nope
Smokes: When he was in college.
Nervous Habits: Stuttering.
Distinguishing Marks
Health: Good.
Smell: Manly....
Voice: Kind of high for his build, but very calming.

Usual Walking Style: Normal?
Mannerisms: Doesn't talk with his hands, has no real mannerisms.
What type of clothes/shoes/accessories does he/she wear? Typical guy stuff with a nerdy twist.
Any peculiar tastes in clothes/shoes/accessories? T-shirt and jeans, like most men.
Eating habits/mannerisms/tastes: Loves food. Adores food. Worships the fridge, the holy alter of food.

Occupation/Social Class:  Upper middle class.
Views on Money/Spending Habits: He has it, he saves it, he uses it.
Education/Intelligence: Has a college degree, highly intelligent.
Marital Status: Single!
Birth Order: Second born.
Political Party/Views: Thinks that the government has gone to hell.
Religious Beliefs/Strength of Beliefs: Loosely christian...
Sexual Orientation/Values: Straight... Thats all I really know right now.
What is his/her usual disposition? Happy, but a realist, which some take a pessimism.
Optimist/Pessimist? Realist all the way!
Introvert/Extrovert? A little bit of both I think, but more towards extrovert.
Confident/Self-conscious? More confident than anything.
How does he/she feel about his/her appearance? He cares but not to the point of vanity.
Type of car: A truck.
Most important possession: His tools.
Hobbies/Recreations/Sports: He likes to tinker with things, work on projects, he takes after his father in that way. He enjoys watching sports but he isn't a huge sports fan.
Talents: Tinkering, definitely tinkering. Oh and being right.
What is a normal day like for this character? Working, having crazy ideas, messing with his latest projects.
Greatest Fear: Failure.
Major Goals
Significant Other/Relationship: Nobody yet.
Who does he/she live with? Himself, the only person that you truly have to live with.
Who does he/she spend the most time with? His co-workers and occasionally his family.
Father/Relationship with him/Occupation: Howard. Definitely awesome. Shop teacher.
Mother/Relationship with her/Occupation: Berenice. Not as awesome as his dad.
Siblings/Relationships: Heather, pretty awesome.
Children/Ages: None
Best Friend: .... Haven't named him yet derrrrrp.
Other Important Friends: See above.
Feelings toward animals: Loves dogs, is okay with cats.
How does he/she view his family? He loves them and all the quirks that come with them.
How does he/she view his friends? Pretty much the same as his family.
How does he/she view his boss/co-workers/employees? Depends who they are as a person, he tends to get really annoyed at ignorant people.
How does his family view him? They love him unconditionally, as family should.
How does his friends view him?
How does his boss/co-workers/employees view him? They think he is pretty brilliant, and they get annoyed and jealous sometimes.
Who is his hero?
Other comments: I need to work on this more, and add last names! Oh well at least I'm flexing my writing muscle.

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