Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Sin of Fear

I live in my own little world. Everyone does. Everyone, at least I think, have the capability to do what I have done. To make nothing outside of what I want to believe exist. Everything to me is like a story, where the main character is the one who influences everything, that they have extreme and ultimate control over all. I guess you could say I have something of underdeveloped empathy. Its hard for me to see out side of my small sad little world. And often times I confuse the hell out of people because I talk like they will know exactly what I mean. And when they don't I get very flustered. And defeated. In fact I get this way about almost anything that doesn't go my way. I'm a perfectionist, in everything I do.

And I can feel the fear rise up in my throat, like bile. Because I'm not sure that anyone can make any sense out of what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to lay out my sins for all the world to see. If it pleases them. I'm not evil, but I am ignorant. I sit here in my world and I shut everything out because I am afraid. I am afraid of failing. I'd rather whine about all I don't have because I am too afraid to fight it. I'd rather spread my poisonous words across the universe. I am making myself miserable.

I'm always trying to avoid the world. Yet I'm wickedly jealous. But I'm so anxious that I fuck it all up. And like some sick washing machine the cycle starts all over again.

All because I am so sensitive. Everything bugs me. One little thing can ruin a whole day. I fixate, I focus, and I hurt. All because of fear.

I remember I time before I knew fear, I remember what put this fear into me. And I don't know how to deal with it because to me the reaction is anger.

Fear and Anger. My two sins.

I'm so angry because I try so hard and it isn't working. I lost friends for no good reason. I look around and I realize I've become far too successful at shutting myself off from this world. I don't know how to connect with people. And I am far too self centered. And I make myself sick. I've put myself in a cage because of fear. And every day I make this cage more secure because every day brings a new reason to fear.

I am the only one with the key. I can set myself free. And sometimes I do. But I need to step out of my cage once and for all. Using this key, there is no universal truth. What is true to me may or may not be true to me. I must respect that your truth is different than mine, even if you don't respect my truth. Each life has value. I will respect that person's opinion. Even if it angers me. Because that opinion has no effect on me unless I choose to let it.

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